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+49 (0)6252 / 6737-0

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Tel.: +41 81 3027741

Ihre Vorteile
30 Jahre Erfahrung
Kompetente & ausführliche Beratung
Immer der günstigste Preis
Diverse Auszeichnungen


For almost 30 years WICOM is your qualified partner for spare parts in consumables in the area of separation technology with the key aspects Gas- and HighPerformanceLiquid-Chromatography (GC and HPLC).

Our staff is long time experienced either as user in the laboratory or as service technician, so we can guarantee you professional consulting in any case.

We have a very broad range of products and our approved warehouse stock ensures a fast and uncomplicated supply to run your instrument – you can count on us!

Vials & More

WICOM delivers high quality vials out of our own production to use as sample bottle in all common autosamplers for HPLCs and GCs.

Of course we offer the fitting closure to every vials: Caps with septa for injection for an autosampler or closed caps for bottling and transporting your sample. Each vial is available as a crimp-, snap- or screw-top-Vial!

Just call us and tell us what you need – we will find the perfect solution for you problem!

WIC 42500

Spare Parts

WICOM delivers all spare parts for your GC- or HPLC-system, for all manufacturers! You need a flow cell or some plunger seals? A plunger or a xenon lamp? Liners, syringes or gas clean filters? Just tell us the manufacturer-part number or the brand and model you are working with – we will find the matching part.


WICOM produces and sells HPLC-columns of our own production with a broad variety of packing materials and common dimensions, even preparative or semi-preparative! As a cost efficient alternative we offer refill columns. Of course we offer (almost) any other brand you will find in your Lab: Agilent, Grace, Hamilton, Machery&Nagel, Thermo, waters, YMC, PerkinElmer, Merck, Whatman, Tosoh, Daicel... Just give us a call - we are really looking forward to assist you!

By the way: We are also skilled professionals for GC columns like Agilent (J&W, Chrompak), Restek, SGE, Thermo, M&N and many more...

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